line numbers

Add Line Numbers

Add sequential numbers, letters, or Roman numerals at the beginning of each line.

Add to the left of each line number
Line number count begins at
Add to the right of each line number


This text tool enables you to prepend sequential numbers, letters, or even Roman numerals to the beginning of each line.

Number System

The Add Line Numbers tool offers three settings:

  • Number - Default setting. It adds numeric labels at the start of each line, accommodating both positive and negative numbers, as well as zero (0) as a starting point. The default value is one (1).

  • Roman Numerals - This option introduces numbers represented by combinations of letters from the Latin alphabet, based on seven symbols: I, V, X, L, C, D, and M. You can toggle the Uppercase switch to switch between uppercase and lowercase numbering.

  • Letters - This choice appends alphabetic labels to the beginning of each line instead of numeric ones. The sequence and format follow the A1 reference style, similar to how text processing tools and spreadsheet programs like Excel name columns, where 1 corresponds to A. If the list extends beyond the 26-character alphabet, it will cycle through letters (e.g., AA = 26, AB = 27, AC = 28, and so on).

Note: When using Roman Numerals/Letters, you should use the Roman numeral/letter equivalent when specifying the initial number count in the "Start at" box. For example, 4 is equivalent to IV in Roman numerals and D in letters.

Basic Examples


1. Sample Text
2. Sample Text
3. Sample Text
4. Sample Text

Roman Numerals

I. Sample Text
II. Sample Text
III. Sample Text
IV. Sample Text


A. Sample Text
B. Sample Text
C. Sample Text
D. Sample Text

Sort in Descending Order

If you wish to arrange the numbered list from the highest number to the lowest, please utilize the reverse function in the Sort Text tool or use the Reverse List tool.